About Us




Matthew is a big helper for the movie. He is a creative person who will help with the movie "No Friendship" and He will help Zee Max in the future with great ideas and productions.

Gabe is the producer for the movie "No Friendship" and will help Zee Max and "No Friendship" with more ideas yet to come.

Nathan is the founder of Zee Max who is seeking to become a movie director and maker. He is also seeking to become an author. He is working on his book "American Dictator" and will work on "No Friendship The Movie" in the years to come.


The movie "No Friendship" is very early in production. It may not be released for years and it will be a huge process. Zee Max is however committed to do this for the entertainment of others and to teach others about the awareness of cyberbullying. The book American Dictator by Nathan will not take as long to be released. For "No Friendship The Movie", We have planned on making it a DVD release and the movie will not be in theaters. Zee Max Productions is ready to come up to this challenge.

Awards We Received